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For Colleges & Universities

Our Programs For Colleges & Universities

Turning Barriers into Bliss

Our dedicated team includes Counselling Psychologists, Clinical Psychologists, Psychiatrists, and specialists from diverse fields who collaborate to deliver the top notch care. We strive towards providing a holistic wellness of students through various mechanisms.

Dr. Kranti.Health caters to different stakeholders of Institutions:
  • Students
  • Teachers
  • Parents
  • College Management Team
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Our Offerings

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Dr. Kranti. Health will officially be the Mind Wellness Partner of the instittion.

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Dashboard created for the students and management. Students can create their accounts at Dr.Kranti. Health application.

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Student Access to multiple Mind Wellness Assessments & Personalized reports via their Individual accounts.

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Detailed Data Analytics of Mind Wellness & Emotional Wellness Reports identifying Median issues of students will be sent to management via MIS reports.

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Student Access to Emotional Intelligence Assessments & Personalized reports via their Individual accounts.

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Based on median issues identified, three number of Group workshops for students by Dr.Kranti Health empanelled Experts.

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Face to face counseling sessions of students at Institution premises by Dr.Kranti.Health Experts (once in a week) for Three months.

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In case, there is a requirement of more number of sessions for students, they can directly log on to our Application & pay per use facility available for the services taken by students.